TMC is a pioneer in the
field of teleradiology
As innovation is part of our DNA, we are also strongly involved in using AI tools to help our radiologists in their day-to-day practice. We believe that AI adds value, it can serve radiologists as an extra pair of eyes and make their job more enjoyable by improving the workflow and their reporting experience
The AI Centre of Excellence
Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic in radiology for several years and we have been closely monitoring the development of multiple solutions. As a result, TMC established the AI Centre of Excellence AICoE, a team dedicated to finding and evaluating the best AI tools available.
At the AICoE we identify what the needs of our radiologists are and how AI tools can help bridge the gap. Here, specialists with diverse backgrounds come together. From project managers to clinical advisors all members of the AICoE constantly search the market for new opportunities. The team evaluates each potentially useful tool thoroughly, aiming to find the ones that will help our radiologists to bring their practice to the next level. Radiologists are involved in every step of the way, their constant feedback and participation at the decision-making stages is the main driver for the projects.
The impact of AI
Several AI solutions are already being used routinely and the number is constantly growing. Currently, we have tools that help us automatically identify brain bleeds, pulmonary embolisms, abdominal free air and lung nodules. These solutions have a significant positive impact on diagnostic quality helping us create the safest reporting environment for our customers and patients.
Looking at the future
We are also involved in the co-development of custom-made tools, using our domain expertise to provide AI suppliers with direct insights and data, always centered around the needs of our radiologists and the quality for our clients.
Ensuring that our radiologists have access to the latest tools that help create a better working environment will always be a top priority for TMC.

Get in touch for more
International: +34 93 550 0750
UK: 0845 020 5250
Sweden: +46 8 55 92 6487
Denmark: +45 22 94 87 57
Germany: +49 6042 59 90 001